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Deaton, and Stone. 2013. “Two Happiness Puzzles”. American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 103 (3): 591-97. Reference Link
Stone, Schwartz, Broderick, and Deaton. 2010. “A Snapshot of the Age of Distribution of Psychological Well-Being in the United States”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (22): 9985-90. Reference Link
Deaton, and Stone. 2013. “Do Context Effects Limit the Usefulness of Self-Reported Wellbeing Measures?”. Research Program in Development Studies Working Paper #288. Reference Link
Deaton, and Stone. 2014. “Evaluative and Hedonic Wellbeing Among Those With and Without Children at Home”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (4): 1328-33. Reference Link