The Great Divide: Education, Despair and Death (Annual Reviews, 2022)
Is American Capitalism Killing America? Angus Deaton speaks with Edward Brown, Founder of the popular political economy blog The Demand Side (apple podcast)
Living and Dying in America in 2021, Anne Case and Angus Deaton (Project Syndicate, December 2020)
“There’s Something Clearly Wrong With Our Corporate System, in Which Pharmaceutical Companies Are Allowed to Kill People for Money”. Angus Deaton speaks with Asher Schechter, ProMarket (Stigler Center, University of Chicago, December 2020)
Nobel laureate Sir Angus Deaton believes that today’s inequalities are signs that democratic capitalism is under threat, not only in the US, where the storm clouds are darkest, but in much of the rich world, where one or more of politics, economics, and health are changing in worrisome ways. (UBS Center for Economics in Society, YouTube presentation, November 2020)
Can Covid reduce global inequalities? Sir Angus Deaton, the 2015 Nobel laureate in economics, who is currently leading the IFS Deaton Review into Inequalities, joins CoronaNomics to discuss the coronavirus pandemic and its effect on global inequality. Presented by Ben Chu (Economics Editor of The Independent) with Lizzy Burden (Economics Reporter of Daily Telegraph) October 2020
Is America Coming Apart? A discussion with Angus Deaton at the 2020 Festival Economia, Trento ( Video, September 2020)
America's Compromised State - The lack of a coordinated national response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States has predictably resulted in an unmitigated economic and public-health disaster. The problem is and always has been that those in a position to do something about such crises do not speak for most Americans. (Angus Deaton, Project Syndicate, July 2020)
The World after Coronavirus: The Future of Despair- Angus Deaton speaks with Adil Najam, Dean of the Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University, about the challenges and opportunities we will face in our post-coronavirus future. (June 2020)
Angus Deaton discusses "The Covid Tonic" with Marian L. Tupy of HumanProgress (YouTube Video, June 2020)
Brookings Institute Webinar: Reopening the coronavirus-closed economy — Principles and tradeoffs. (Angus Deaton's participation begins 30 minutes into the webinar and then again at 74 minutes as part of a panel discussion, May 2020)
How to fix democracy -fixing healthcare inequality, Angus Deaton argues in this interview, must be a top priority for the future of capitalism and democracy in the land of the American Dream. (Andrew Keen, Bertelsmann Foundation; video April 2020)
The BBC interviews Angus Deaton on coronavirus and the inequalities of Lockdown (interviewed at the beginning and end of the broadcast; April 2020)
Deaths of despair, deaths from the virus and the U.S. Healthcare system (Angus Deaton and Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business; April 2020)
Angus Deaton on what COVID-19 means for inequality and "Deaths of Despair" (Bendheim Center for Finance, Princeton University; April 2020)